De volgende CoDA boeken, folders en andere literatuur kunnen in principe direct van de literatuurpersoon besteld worden via
Showing 1-12 of 37 Books12 steps Handbook
A detailed look at each of the Twelve Steps and how they apply to daily life, in a concise easily...Brochure€ 4.00Affirmations Booklet
This Affirmations Booklet is a compilation of affirmations & gratitude submitted by codependents for codependents. Affirmations are short positive statements, expressed...Special€ 4.00Am I Codependent?
Updated, revised 2019, describes how a person may feel as they ask themselves this question. This pamphlet includes CoDA’s original...Flyers, Folders€ 1.70Attending Meetings
Updated, revised 2019, describes what to expect in the basic CoDA meeting, including the importance of regular attendance.Flyers, Folders€ 0.40Building CoDA Community; healthy...
There are many components that contribute tosafe, strong an healthy meetings. The following recommandations are based on the experience of...Brochure€ 4.50Carrying The Message
Practical examples of healthy service work essential to the continuation of any meeting and to CoDA as a whole. How...Brochure€ 3.50Coda Big Book
4th UK Printing, 3rd Edition. Contains in-depth readings on recovery, the CODA Fellowship, common questions, and personal stories from...Boeken€ 21.50CoDA Blauwe Boek Pocket...
De Nederlandse vertaling van het CoDA Blue Book in de pocket versie.Boeken€ 5.00Codependents, your first meeting
A comprehensive overview pamhlet for the newcomer. Includes: WHAT IS CODA? • WHAT IS CODEPENDENCY? • WHAT HAPPENS AT A...Flyers, Folders€ 1.70Common Threads Of Codependency
Codependents talk about codependency, recovery, relapse and authenticity.Brochure€ 4.50
De Nederlandstalige welkomstfolder is online beschikbaar als gratis download. Download, print en vouw de goedgekeurde* versie van de welkomstfolder (voor eigen gebruik) hier:
Welkom bij Codependents Anonymous (PDF, NL)
Anderstalige folders
Er zijn ook verschillende CoDA folders in het Engels en Spaans beschikbaar gemaakt door als gratis download voor eigen gebruik. Ga naar de website om ze te downloaden. Deze folders zijn tevens beschikbaar tegen een kleine vergoeding van de groepsliteratuurpersonen en van