
Website of anonymous codependents


How can I purchase CoDA endorsed books in the Netherlands?

To make it easier for individuals and CoDA groups in the Netherlands to have CoDA endorsed literature, CoDA Intergroup has appointed an Intergroup Literature Person. This person purchases books, booklets and pamphlets from website (USA) or CoDA UK and acts as distributor for groups in the Netherlands.

Please contact the Intergroup Literature Person via:

It is not obligatory to use this service; groups and individuals can place their own private orders using the online shops on the following websites: or

Showing 25-36 of 37 Books
Discovering and embracing our inner child can help heal old hurts and pain. This pamphlet discusses ways to discover the child...
Flyers, Folders
€ 1.70
4 boekenleggers
€ 2.50
An in-depth overlook at various forms of sponsorship.
€ 4.00
An overview of the principles of sponsorship.
Flyers, Folders
€ 0.40
Addresses both sides of sponsorship. Explains why we need sponsors and identifies some of the personal benefits gained from sponsoring...
€ 4.50
This new Toolkit serves as a companion to the CoDA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Workbook, and takes each Tradition one...
€ 4.00
Tools For Recovery Booklet
Members share experience, strength & hope with different tools useful in their recovery. Experience, strength, and hope on what Crosstalk...
€ 4.50
Traditionally Speaking: Finding Solutions – This booklet expands our understanding of CoDA’s Twelve Traditions. Members share their experience in applying...
€ 4.00
De Nederlandse vertaling van het CoDA Workbook is nu beschikbaar! Twaalf Stappen & Twaalf Tradities Werkboek van Anonieme Co-Dependents Prijs:...
€ 9.25
2023 marks the twentieth anniversary of CoDA’s original workbook, our guide for in-depth study of our Twelve Steps and Twelve...
€ 20.50
An explanation of each of the Twelve Traditions and how to apply them.
Flyers, Folders
€ 1.70
Updated, revised 2019, describes program basics: Attending meetings, Sponsorship, Working the Steps, and Service.
Flyers, Folders
€ 0.40

The list of literature available in the Netherlands is posted and updated on this website. The Intergroup Literature Person sells only books, booklets and pamphlets that are CoDA approved.

Please note that the list contains some literature that is no longer re-printed by CoDA but the last copies might still be available for sale in the Netherlands.

Prices of books may vary slightly due to exchange rate fluctuations between the euro, US Dollar and British Pound. We are normally well stocked, but new orders might take up to four weeks to arrive from the USA
or the UK.

The Intergroup Literature Person only orders stock that is most in demand. However, more products are available on the website, such as bookmarks, chips and medallions and CDs. The Intergroup Literature Person can order these extra products on request, but this might involve extra customs duties to be paid by the person / group ordering these items.

Our group wants to offer books for sale at meetings. What is

Each individual CoDA group may decide to set up its own literature sales during its meetings, to help spread the message of CoDA. According to the CoDA Traditions, each group is autonomous in their decisions, although CoDA suggests using only CoDA approved literature.

Each group is responsible for the sale of literature at its meetings and it is up to each group to set prices of the literature it sells.

Our group needs reading materials. How do we get started?

The start-up documents that can help (new) meetings with general CoDA guidelines, information on Steps, Traditions etc can be downloaded for free from the international website

Reading material for the groups, such as books and pamphlets that are CoDA endorsed, can be purchased from the Intergroup Literature Person.

CoDA Intergroup also supports new CoDA groups in the Netherlands with a one-off literature startup package loan. This literature is not meant for further sale, but to be used at the meetings as reading material. It can be requested via email from the CoDA Intergroup Literature Person.

At this moment most of books / booklets/ pamphlets are in English only.
A Dutch folder ‘Welkom Bij Co-Dependents Anonymous’ is available for free download here.

A translation of the first three chapters of CoDA Big Book into Dutch (in PDF format) is available, though still pending an official distribution contract from CoDA USA. Until then, we do not have permission to copy or spread this translation outside of the meetings. It can be requested by email from the CoDA Intergroup Literature Person.