Am I Codependent?
Updated, revised 2019, describes how a person may feel as they ask themselves this question. This pamphlet includes CoDA’s original...
Flyers, Folders
€ 1.70
Attending Meetings
Updated, revised 2019, describes what to expect in the basic CoDA meeting, including the importance of regular attendance.
Flyers, Folders
€ 0.40
Codependents, your first meeting
A comprehensive overview pamhlet for the newcomer. Includes: WHAT IS CODA? • WHAT IS CODEPENDENCY? • WHAT HAPPENS AT A...
Flyers, Folders
€ 1.70
Communication and Recovery
A look at old (codependent) patterns of communication & how healthier communication can be learned.
Flyers, Folders
€ 1.70
OUT OF STOCK- Establishing...
An explanation of boundaries, an exploration of different types of boundaries and how they can be established and maintained in...
Flyers, Folders
€ 0.40
Reparenting our innerchild
Discovering and embracing our inner child can help heal old hurts and pain. This pamphlet discusses ways to discover the child...
Flyers, Folders
€ 1.70
Sponsorship in CoDA
An overview of the principles of sponsorship.
Flyers, Folders
€ 0.40
Using the Twelve Traditions
An explanation of each of the Twelve Traditions and how to apply them.
Flyers, Folders
€ 1.70
Welcome to Co-dependents Anonymous
Updated, revised 2019, describes program basics: Attending meetings, Sponsorship, Working the Steps, and Service.
Flyers, Folders
€ 0.40
What is CoDA?
An introduction to Co-Dependents Anonymous. Features a basic list of characteristics for self-evaluation.
Flyers, Folders
€ 1.70